About Me...

I am nineteen years old, and I am from Mobile, Alabama. I am a sophomore majoring in Secondary Science Education at the University of South Alabama. I have always had a passion for helping others, so I knew teaching would be right up my alley. With my degree, I hope to teach Biology. I am going to be a tech literate teacher, and I plan to make sure every child in my class is the same as well.


I have a lot of positive attributes to bring to the table when it comes to teaching. Once I become a teacher, I plan to be everything I ever wanted in a teacher. By that I mean, I will communicate with my students, provide motivation for my students to succeed, and be a shoulder for my students to lean on.I will be modern and up-to-date with my lesson plans, so I will be able to ensure that my students are learning at the most advanced levels. Although I am majoring in a science field, I will merger technology into my lesson. For example, there are now virtual labs. I will do everything possible to be the best teacher I can be for my students!